Extra-Curricular Activities

SKSS Clubs and Activities 2024-2025

Club/Activity Contact Day Time Room
Art Club Mrs. Yamaoka Thursday (see posted dates) 3:00pm-5:00pm 117
Book Club / Battle of the Books Ms. Rimmer Wednesday Lunch Library
Chess Club Mr. Arkinstall Thursday Lunch 214
D.E.L.F. (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) Mme Lafleur First week of November 2024; B1 Nov 4, B2 Nov 5, A1 Nov 6, A2 Nov 7 Lunch 215
Debate Club Mr. Wilson
Mr. Hallett
Thursday Lunch 112
Destination Imagination Ms. Rusk Tuesday Lunch  
District Council Mr. Preymak 4 times per school year    
Dungeons and Dragons Club Mr. Hallett Tuesday 3:30pm - 6:00pm Library
Ethics Bowl Mr. Hallett
Mr. Wilson
Wednesday Lunch 112
Games (board and card) Club Mrs. Cooluris Tues/Thurs Lunch 220
Green Club Mrs. Cameron Monday Lunch 222
GSA Ms. Richter Tuesday Lunch 111
Intramurals Mr. Kozoris Mon-Thurs Lunch Gym
Junior City Council Mr. Preymak Once per month    
Law & Policy Club Mr. Annicharico Tues/Thurs Lunch 115
LINKCrew Mr. Ansley Tuesday Lunch 136
Math Club Mr Thompson Tuesday/Thursday Lunch 209
Metal Club Mr. Gadd Most Days Lunch Metalshop
Mind Health Matters Ms. Gillis Monday Lunch 112
Model United Nations Mr. Ansley 1-2 Fridays per month Lunch 136
Mountain Bike Club Ms. Scallon
Mr. Milburn
Fall - Tuesday After school Various Locations
Music Council (view the Music Dept website) Mrs. McRae once or twice a month Lunch Music Room
Musical Theatre Club Ms. Fonseca starting March 2024 Lunch 135
Newspaper Club Mr. Hallett Mondays Lunch 110
Peer Tutoring Group Ms. Tomm Occasional Wednesdays Lunch Library
Principal's Council Mr. Preymak Wednesday Lunch 136
Personal Finance and Economics Club Mr. Hickey Friday Lunch 213
Sending Sunshine Club Mrs. Cuthbertson Wednesday Lunch  
Secwepemc Youth Council Mr. Wilson 3rd Tuesday of every month Lunch 112
Social Activism Club Mr. Wilson Friday Lunch 112
SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) Ms. Richter Tuesday Lunch 111
Student Music Council Mrs. McRae Thurs or Fri (every second week) Lunch Music Room
Textiles Club Miss Neubauer Most Days (see schedule on textiles room door) Lunch 204
Titans Theatre Arts Club
A major play is produced each year
Tryouts and then practices run December to April for the big play
Ms. Fonseca     135
Woodworking - CNC Group Ms. Scallon Wednesday Lunch 132
Woodworking - Lathe Club Ms. Scallon Friday Lunch 132
Yoga Club Mme Dion Tuesday Lunch Sagebrush Lobby

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